Tuesday, July 13, 2004

performance review day

I get to sit down with my boss and chat about my performance review in a few minutes, so I don't have much time. If you want to see the movie Alien done in 30 seconds, and by an all rabbit cast, hit here. Also, if you think the democrats are the one's that will take your going to away your guns, think again. I'm psyched about going to see Ted Leo on Thursday and will let you know how that went. Download a tune of his here. I'm just getting to know his stuff, but it's growing on me quickly. Saw a real good, but bummer of a movie last night on DVD called The Magdalene Sisters. Not exactly a feel good film...but a powerful piece of work, and the DVD has the original documentary upon which it is based. Otherwise, I'm somewhat enjoying the new season of 6 Ft. Under, but have not been blown away. I'm rarely one to tire of sex scenes and nudity, but I'm getting very bored with Brenda and her bedroom maladies. And as liberal as I portend to be, watching David and Keith snuggle and smooch on the couch is starting to test the tensile strength of the hair on the back of my neck... I'm more excited about the next season of Deadwood, which many of my friends wrote off after a few episodes, but it really picked up. I highly recommend catching the next marathon they have (usually right before the next season). Bad man Swearengen, played brilliantly by Ian McShane, is now my favorite HBO series character (yes, above even Tony Soprano). Gotta go get evaluated...


greenbean said...

Well done, ho hum. I miss the days of ped mall jams with the nubile crowd. Rebember the chick in the fountain, getting all lathered up? Keep posting, and I'll keep reading. I had to start my own blog just to post a comment. It sucks, but you are welcome to check it out if you are bored enough...

Reuben Reviewer said...

Gaaads! Alien rabbits have taken the oval office? What will become of the 2 party system? This is exactely the type of senario that 2nd amendment advocates have in mind when they encourage every American to own a high powered rifle and box of ammo. BTW, "this is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fighting, and this is for fun" :)

BEEz said...

Nothing like having a gun around when you're good and liquored up...but at least we're free, unlike most of the poor bastards in Europe... By the way, the heck with politics, I want sandwich reviews!

Cootera said...

Who's the green bean?

BEEz said...

the green bean is my once roomate. we lived for a short but fun year in IC. we met randomly sailing on lake mcbride and that same trip linked him with another roomate...and indirectly through me, another yet (Rob). betwixt us we had the best 700 CD collection ever (I had about 500 with an 80s (and early 90s) and 60s bent and he had another 200 or so with a decidely 70s and 60s bent. its unfortunate that my extreme dominance of him on the ping pong table led to his continual resentment of my fine skills (okay, that was just to see if he is reading this...we were so competitively matched that I would never claim such...unless you're reading, pussy). Anyway, you don't know him.

greenbean said...

Your ability to distort the past is admirable. I've moved on to foosball now, but I would be willing to continue mentoring you on the fine art of table tennis - including the topspin potential of the chinese thumb-forefinger grip - if we ever have the opportunity.