Thursday, February 22, 2007

In case the links didn't work...

...see the update of my earlier post on the stoner pizza dude and check out the related classic Onion story.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The end of the empire?

Check out this creepy, and at times funny, video project of Bush as apologizing Roman statue...

For Adrienne...

I know my radical neighbor Adrienne will enjoy this public service announcement by Sulu himself addressing Tim Hardaway's comments on homosexuality.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Local Update: They Gave it Back!!

Finally, a happy ending to a story in the drug war. You may recall reading here at ho hum about a hilarious incident involving a stoner pizza delivery dude who left his stash in the bank bag... and deposited it. Well, read the happy ending here.

(UPDATE: It appears that our lame local newspaper doesn't store articles for more than a few weeks, thus, here is the story. The dude was arrested and admitted it was his and everything, but one wrinkle... the bank employee gave the stash back to him! Without the evidence, it looks like stoner pizza dude will go FREE!! YEAH! The whole incident reminded Matt of this classic...)

(p.s. very few folks seem to remember the ad campaign: "Rember... Only Losers Use Drugs" from the seventies or eighties, but that was the origin of the spoonerism in the title of the last post on this topic "Remember... Only Users Lose Drugs")