Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Bill O'Reilly is a complete DICK

Yo, go read about O'Reilly, and especially the interview that this complete, idiot fuckstick had with the son of a victim of 911. That this guy supposedly speaks to the masses explains why I'm continually amazed at the stupidity of the masses... While in a heated debate, I can readily get to the point where I'm where I'm telling the other person to shut up, at least I'm usually drunk at that point, and at least I'm not portending to speak for anyone but my stupidass self... what a complete and utter dick!


Reuben Reviewer said...

If it were not for the masses democracy would rule.

BEEz said...

Was that supposed to be profound? Are you not continually amazed by the stupidity of the bulk of our populace (a.k.a, the masses)? And where is that sandwich advice? I'm heading over to your site and their better be a bunch of it!!!