Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Small town Iowa humor...

I pass through this small Iowa town almost every time I drive back to my home town. This is my favorite town info sign of all time...

Thursday, November 9, 2006

OH NO!!!

Man oh man, santorum-lovin' Santorum bit it on election day. Listen to the concession speech here for just a few seconds. Its worth it to hear the impassioned plea of "OH NO!" from a distressed follower in the crowd and then try to imagine her miserable existence.

This photo inspired one of the most heartless and hilarious examples of "juvenile piling-on" from a bunch of "snotty" libertarians (I quote a pissed off reader). Go here and enjoy only if, like BEEz, you enjoy mean-spirited humor directed at children. Oh, and Wonkette is always good for a few laughs on a topic like this... And don't blame me, but farking has occurred.

Monday, November 6, 2006

More Gay Republicans? Oh please don't let it be Hastert...

While there is nothing that brings joy to my day than hearing about yet another Christian and/or Republican powerbroker plucked out of the closet, but Hastert? Yikes! Even the most liberal of straight guys may struggle with the mental image of two dudes going at it, but make one of those two dudes Denny Hastert...

It turns out that Hastert rooms with his openly-gay Chief of Staff Scott Palmer (Peter's brother?). Here is one take on this grizly scenario, and here is another.

Of course, not everyone is buying that Scott Palmer's taste in bedmates is so challenged