Monday, September 1, 2008

Republican Family Values101: Can you see a baby bump?

Yup, if it's not one of the many hypocritical republican politicians parading their 2nd, 3rd, or 5th trophy wife around while pontificating about saving the institution of marriage from the marauding gay people (or the closeted gay republicans doing the same thing), it is the new veep candidate's 17 year old daughter sporting a baby bump...and is the story getting even better? It will be interesting to see how they spin this. Will they make her 17 year old pregnant daughter out to be a hero for not having an abortion? Will their be a celebrity wedding? Will the fans of Britney Spears and her precocious sister jump over to McCain's side. Perhaps millions of teen girls will be inspired to make one of their own!!!

Can you imagine if Barack Obama had a pregnant 17 year old daughter? Racial stereotypes would fly and he would be branded (sorry) a bad father... and they would be relentless about it and it would probably cost him the election. But, ya know, these are good ol' gun-lovin', abortion hatin', WHITE pioneers of the West, so she gets a pass (we'll see). I know Obama will do the proper thing and tell everyone to back off, but I hope his surrogates ply this for all it is worth. Would I want that to happen in a decent world? No. But considering the nasty, unfair crap that Rove's proteges will certainly fling at Obama, and considering what utter hypocrites those vicious bastards definitely are, this one is too good to pass up.


Eppleys said...

I knew you'd have something to say about this one! You have a lot of it pegged right. If I hear any more about the "down syndrome baby" and how wonderful it is that she didn't abort this baby, I'm going to be sick. I've had enough of the uselessness of abstinence-only sex-ed after 7 years in West Texas! When are these morons going to figure out that it doesn't work? Tell me that this girl will be better off in 10 years because she didn't have an abortion than she would be if she did use a condom!

BEEz said...

Yeah, it is odd how often the "family values" crowd ends up with high school daughters starting new families...