Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Update: link removed (I guess)

Apparently, the "getting even better" link from the last entry was taken down by the Daily Kos. I'd be curious why, though it was pretty farfetched (though my blog hopes it ends up true). Here is a page of other Daily Kos links about the situation you can check out, though and you can read about Palin's rebuttal here. Here is one blog complaining about folks assuming the daughter's pooch was necessarily a baby (that blog looks fun for a general peak as well). As for me, I'm merely trying to stir things up...

I have no problem with a rounded tummy, or even female chubbiness in general (no starving models for BEEz, pleez). Though I'm always a little surprised to see girls/women with said pooch wearing tight tops, and it seems to be totally en vogue these days for pregant chicks to stretch the tightest of dresses and tops over their bellies. No complaints here... perhaps it is a fashion faux pas to many, but as a healthy (i.e. creepy) male type, the more revealing the better... Regardless, I still always find it odd when the abstinence only crowd sports flirty clothing (and even when they are unmarried and pregnant). I guess it gets back to the "hypocrite" theme that runs through my rants about the republicans. I've ran into more than one borderline nympho over the years that claimed to be republican, family-values Christian... and it always confused me (especially when they were usually earning their reputation with my roommate instead of me... sniffle). Maybe Sarah Palin was that way in college, or perhaps she just has (probably "had" would be more accurate) a sense of humor.

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