Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Join the Lord's Team

As I listened to Bush patronizingly sound out "prop-a-ganda" in this morning's press conference, I realized that I probably need some help to join this team in the fight against global "terrr." I think I need a Jesus Jersey. (be sure to have the sound on).

I'm a little worn down on politics (there is simply too much bad stuff with this administration to stay on top of it), but monkey boy once again affirmed his faith in the utterly incompetent Rumsfeld and was sassy and dismissive when questioned about his inept handling of the war. In fact, he was sounding more like Will Forte's impression than ever before (if you need a sample, click here and scroll down a bit, it took me awhile, but I think Forte does a great Bush). My favorite quote from his bumbling, inept speech today went something like this:

"I think it is an interesting... I find it an interesting, I'm interested... well my position is that it is interesting to have a debate about whether it is good to spread freedom across the world."

I may not have that exactly right, but I will vouch for the level of confusion, and how he tries to hide his (not my) failed actions in Iraq within a false debate (the Republican rightwing penchant for false dichotomies never weakens). Oh well... I'm going to go order a Jesus Jersey.


still mad in iowa too said...

jesus, your blog rules!!

i am going to be in boston til toozday, which could mean more parking space for the women who throng to see you.

so game night may need to wait ...


Sorry to pile it on but check this article out..

BEEz said...

Pile away! I have so much to say about these a-holes running my country that I don't have time to blog it all... my blood pressure is up, so I better drop politics for now.