Thursday, December 1, 2005

Thai and Bling Bling

Please Excuse my long dry spell with Ho Hum, but things have been too complex lately to dabble with any of my hobbies (which include Ho Hum, speedo-donning, puppy-snuggling, saving beachcombers, and driving around in a talking car). Here is a short bit of Ho Hum to get me back in the groove.

Me and the lady (that would be my lovely wife, BEEzetta) went to Chicago a couple of weekends ago and visited some of her (and my) friends from grad school. This trip reconfirmed the standing of my favorite restaurant in downtown Chicago, Vong's Thai Kitchen. You can here my last raving about it on this old post from Ho Hum. Whilst at Vong's, Vijay (like BEEzetta, an India-born Indian) pointed out that one of the guests looked like Edie Falco from The Sopranos.

We all quickly agreed that it indeed was Edie Falco. Sangheeta (Vijay's wife) noted that she was decked out in lots of "bling bling" (please add Indian accent for maximum effect) and it was true, she was dressed as loud and bright as Carmella Soprano. We decided to enjoy the awesome food and not bother her, but it was a fun addition to the dinner, nonetheless.


adrienne said...

I love it! The only thing that would make the story better would be if it had been Edie Falco. Is it just me or do Edie Falco and Felcity Huffman look alike?

I may just have Bai Ling on the brain, but when I first read the post title, I wondered what Bai LIng had to do with Thai-anything? Did you hear Bai Ling sing? It's freaking awesome. I didn't see her do it on tv, but kids have been sending me the links to her Madonna and Blondie (and Ramones!!!) covers. God, I wish I could find those links to send you.

adrienne said...

Bai Ling sings Madonna
Bai Ling sings Cyndi Laupner
Bai Ling sings Blondie, perhaps my favorite!

I couldn't find a recording of her cover of "I wanna be sedated."

BEEz said...

Actually, it was her, I just fixed the post to make that less murky. Bai Ling and William Hong should do a duet... There is also a famous, hot, chinese actress named Bai Ling (or Ling Bai)... I don't think they are the same.

BEEz said...

Oh, and yes, she does resemble Felicity Huffman. In fact, before each broke out big, I thought they were the same person. BTW, although I only saw the first few episodes, I find Huffman's character on Desperate Housewives to be exceptionally annoying...

adrienne said...

Desperate Housewives is pretty horrifying ... and annoying. But I'm relieved that you also thought Edie and Felicity were the same person. I can't believe you really saw her! Holy moly. Now, the only thing that would make that story better is a fight!

The sexy Bai Ling of whom you speak is the Bai Ling singing. Seriously. I can't help but love her covers!