Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Just like when I was in school...

A substitute teacher was arrested after kids reported that he was snorting a white powder DURING CLASS!! What is with these rat kids? The man needed a pick-me-up and they call in the fuzz? I know that I never told on my teachers. Whether they were stoking up a crackpipe or heating up a spoon, I had respect for my teachers. I would have especially liked to have respected this teacher:

Despite my daily fantasies, none of my female teachers (hot or not, and none of them looked like this) ever took advantage of me. Of course, throw this disturbed, yet hot chick in with a bunch of cops, and justice will prevail. Check out this exert from the wikipedia take on the matter: (yes, wikipedia covers even this minutiae)
A sensational highlight to this case came to light in September 2005 when it was revealed that the Temple Terrace, FL, police ordered explicit nude photos be taken of Lafave's genital area while her feet were bound up in stirrups. The officer who ordered the photos was later charged with soliciting a prostitute and downloading pornography at work. He resigned after also being caught trying to cover up his actions on police department computers.

Good thing the police looked into the matter...

1 comment:

adrienne said...

No one says boo when I sleep with my students and smoke crack in the classroom. Go figure.