Wednesday, September 8, 2004


For months I've been trying to remember the name used to describe a phrase that is turned around for humor or to hide it's inappropriateness (or by mistake). For example "Duck Fisco" was on t-shirts when I was in junior high (boy were we clever). The term is spoonerism. I'd been looking for this term for awhile, but happened upon it when looking up a word in the dictionary. Apparently, this was named after a real absent-minded professor from England named Reverend William Archibald Spooner who reprimanded one student for fighting a liar in the quadrangle and another who hissed my mystery lecture. To the latter he added in disgust, You have tasted two worms. Here is my own spoonerism for the day:

That tush is bearable

And my favorite one that I didn't make up:

Remember, only users lose drugs

Please add your own spoonerisms and/or your favorites...


Anonymous said...

The fog was as thick as sea poop.

BEEz said...

Why be shy, anonymous...that was pretty good

Cootera said...

My best friend's younger brother, Dan:

Dismas crecorations
Clappy as a ham

I lover spoonerisms... and they to leak out of my mouth with an alarming frequency.

Anonymous said...

Not a real Spoonerism, but related...

If it's petty, don't sweat it
If it's sweaty, don't pet it.

Masterslacker out.

BEEz said...

that qualifies in my book