Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Great Golden Digger

Okay, a break from the politics... When my good friends Steve and Kerry were visiting, we were all intrigued by this totally groovey (groovy?) bug that was occupying a small hole dug in the dirt beneath the overhang of the Ho Hum House. I was battling a carpenter ant issue (they were nesting in the logs propping up a flower bed) and wondered if the expensive evil poison I left for them had sent the queen flying... yes, this bug was that wierd and big, and since I've never seen a pissed off ant queen, I thought it might be her (and readily available for a easy demise). So, I went on line and with the help of my guests, we determined that this "bug"ger was most likely a Cicada Killer Wasp (YEAH!!!), but I dare say, my wasp is much more handsome than most of the pics of CKWs I found on line (but perhaps I'm a bit biased). This wasp is not only pertty, but it has a very cool movement, reminding me of some of the little stick insect creatures from Pan's Labyrinth. The color scheme for the CKW was just not right, though, and with some further searching, I determined it was a Great Golden Digger Wasp. Yes, no doubt now. And I even confirmed that they are in Iowa.

Here are some sights with pics of the GDW... click here and here and, after looking at my pics below, tell me if you agree... in fact, we saw this wasp with a green bug just like this scene, and the wasp dragged it into it's cave (no doubt to fill it full of eggs... yum!). And if you haven't had enough, go see my entry at dave's garden.

Here are some pics I took. Pardon the fuzziness, because I'm nervous around wasps, and the overhang of the house kills light... I'd estimate the size to be between an inch and an inch and a half from noggin to ass (pardon the technical jargon).

1 comment:

adrienne said...

The fairy I saw was much more beautiful than this! (If only I'd known she was deadly!)