Monday, February 7, 2005

Here the real story from the international menace Tommy Chong

Yes, they finally put Tommy Chong behind bars, but he is now out (grab the children and hide)! Listen to the Fresh Air interview with Chong and then listen to the "hero" who used such time honored techniques as entrapment to make a poster child out of Chong. You will also learn that they could only pull their hijinks in one of two states (and these are Feds), one of which is Iowa...


Cootera said...

That was a cool interview. I really dig Terry Gross.

Reuben Reviewer said...

Cooter and Terry could make out. That would be cool! Shut up Beavis!!!

BEEz said...

If she really digs her, than I'm okay with that. In fact, I encourage it fully...

Cootera said...

Oh... do you wanna see the pictures?

Randy Black said...

Tbere is no such thing as post-911 entrapment. Next they will seize Santa's magic dust.

BEEz said...

Hey Randy, don't joke around about that crazy cat. He's a classic longhair and dresses like a disco reject. Do you really feel safe with him traversing our nation's airspace? I say better safe than sorry. Buy the time he get's his sleigh and deer back from the feds, he'll be broke and we'll be safer!