Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Another take...

Been watching coverage of the troubles between Israel and Lebanon? Then you know that it is completely skewed towards Israel. None of our media or politicians can say anything remotely negative about the actions of Israel without being marginalized as anti-semites. Check out this interview of a British Member of Parliament on British TV ... then go to Island Monkey's blog for even more insights (both on the wars and other stuff).

Trying to figure out the complexities of any series of events that goes down in that area is tough enough (see Syriana to become more sure that your confusion exists by design), but when our media reports everything through the same filter, we are screwed...

Of course, with Bush and Condi involved, everything will get better. Having a president that, just before going into Iran, didn't know there are Sunnis and Shiites in the muslim world (and that they have a history of not getting along), we can all be sure everything is being handled well. How fucking embarrassing can it get... Here's what Bush and his cronies say to the common people of America and to the rest of the world:

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