Yeah, this looks like it could've been taken near my home town. In my home town, guns are probably flying off the shelf because the local yahoos are convinced Obama will take their guns away. Yup, I come from the land of single-issue voters known as Missouri! (or, actually, Missoura)
Strangely, they were not concerned at all when Bush and Cheney were racking up secret signing statements that should make us all nervous. Under the "right" conditions, I have little doubt that Cheney... err, I mean Bush would have turned the military (or probably, mercenaries from Blackwater) on his own people, and as more of this stuff is revealed, we will learn that he gave himself the power to do it (and many other kingly things). So, keep stockpiling those deer rifles so you can "protect" yourself against mercenaries with body armor and shoulder-launched grenades... sure they cost money, but who needs to put away money in the kids' college funds anyway when there's protectin' to do...