Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Watch the Real McCain
But I hate to see T. Boone asshole Pickens getting any airtime, considering he spent millions of his own bucks swiftboating Johh Kerry... and reneged on a million dollar offer to anyone who could disprove the swiftboaters' bullshit claims. Now he is suddenly viewed as a wise old environmentalist, but I seriously doubt it...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Are you registered to vote?
Don't be so sure... the republicans are using all kinds of dirty tricks to throw voters like you off the voting rolls across the nation. Go to this site to find out if you really are still a registered voter... and if you know you are not registered, pull your head out of your ass and start voting...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Stealing 3 in a row?
The hijinks are starting again... McCain is sending out funky absentee ballots in an attempt to confuse and/or disqualify Democratic voters... meanwhile, the press is still trying to parse a well-heeled expression about porcine cosmetics...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Calm Down Folks...
Yup, everyone I know who is rightfully fearful of a McCain presidency is freaking out over the surprising jolt his campaign got from choosing "hacky mam" Palin. My feeling is that once this initial enthusiasm wears down, and the yahoo Hillary Clinton supporters finally think about how scary this chick really is, this too will pass. Here is a great op-ed by the NYT columnist Gail Collins that largely echoes my feelings on the matter... give it a read (it's not too long)... and calm down (but don't get too comfortable...)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Welcome to Democracy in the Heartland of America!
Do listen to this excerpt from the interview that Thom Hartmann did with Amy Goodman and her crew, who were arrested outside the republican convention, despite having press passes. Also, their floor passes to the convention were confiscated without reciepts (a requirement when the police take things from citizens). If you can find the whole interview, it is definitely worth a listen... Then watch films of the arrests.
If only we could make the rest of the world this safe for democracy.
Of course, don’t think this is just a thing that only happens at republican conventions...
If only we could make the rest of the world this safe for democracy.
Of course, don’t think this is just a thing that only happens at republican conventions...
Update: link removed (I guess)
Apparently, the "getting even better" link from the last entry was taken down by the Daily Kos. I'd be curious why, though it was pretty farfetched (though my blog hopes it ends up true). Here is a page of other Daily Kos links about the situation you can check out, though and you can read about Palin's rebuttal here. Here is one blog complaining about folks assuming the daughter's pooch was necessarily a baby (that blog looks fun for a general peak as well). As for me, I'm merely trying to stir things up...
I have no problem with a rounded tummy, or even female chubbiness in general (no starving models for BEEz, pleez). Though I'm always a little surprised to see girls/women with said pooch wearing tight tops, and it seems to be totally en vogue these days for pregant chicks to stretch the tightest of dresses and tops over their bellies. No complaints here... perhaps it is a fashion faux pas to many, but as a healthy (i.e. creepy) male type, the more revealing the better... Regardless, I still always find it odd when the abstinence only crowd sports flirty clothing (and even when they are unmarried and pregnant). I guess it gets back to the "hypocrite" theme that runs through my rants about the republicans. I've ran into more than one borderline nympho over the years that claimed to be republican, family-values Christian... and it always confused me (especially when they were usually earning their reputation with my roommate instead of me... sniffle). Maybe Sarah Palin was that way in college, or perhaps she just has (probably "had" would be more accurate) a sense of humor.
I have no problem with a rounded tummy, or even female chubbiness in general (no starving models for BEEz, pleez). Though I'm always a little surprised to see girls/women with said pooch wearing tight tops, and it seems to be totally en vogue these days for pregant chicks to stretch the tightest of dresses and tops over their bellies. No complaints here... perhaps it is a fashion faux pas to many, but as a healthy (i.e. creepy) male type, the more revealing the better... Regardless, I still always find it odd when the abstinence only crowd sports flirty clothing (and even when they are unmarried and pregnant). I guess it gets back to the "hypocrite" theme that runs through my rants about the republicans. I've ran into more than one borderline nympho over the years that claimed to be republican, family-values Christian... and it always confused me (especially when they were usually earning their reputation with my roommate instead of me... sniffle). Maybe Sarah Palin was that way in college, or perhaps she just has (probably "had" would be more accurate) a sense of humor.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Republican Family Values101: Can you see a baby bump?
Yup, if it's not one of the many hypocritical republican politicians parading their 2nd, 3rd, or 5th trophy wife around while pontificating about saving the institution of marriage from the marauding gay people (or the closeted gay republicans doing the same thing), it is the new veep candidate's 17 year old daughter sporting a baby bump...and is the story getting even better? It will be interesting to see how they spin this. Will they make her 17 year old pregnant daughter out to be a hero for not having an abortion? Will their be a celebrity wedding? Will the fans of Britney Spears and her precocious sister jump over to McCain's side. Perhaps millions of teen girls will be inspired to make one of their own!!!
Can you imagine if Barack Obama had a pregnant 17 year old daughter? Racial stereotypes would fly and he would be branded (sorry) a bad father... and they would be relentless about it and it would probably cost him the election. But, ya know, these are good ol' gun-lovin', abortion hatin', WHITE pioneers of the West, so she gets a pass (we'll see). I know Obama will do the proper thing and tell everyone to back off, but I hope his surrogates ply this for all it is worth. Would I want that to happen in a decent world? No. But considering the nasty, unfair crap that Rove's proteges will certainly fling at Obama, and considering what utter hypocrites those vicious bastards definitely are, this one is too good to pass up.
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