Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Proud Kodak Moment...

Yeah, this looks like it could've been taken near my home town. In my home town, guns are probably flying off the shelf because the local yahoos are convinced Obama will take their guns away. Yup, I come from the land of single-issue voters known as Missouri! (or, actually, Missoura)
Strangely, they were not concerned at all when Bush and Cheney were racking up secret signing statements that should make us all nervous. Under the "right" conditions, I have little doubt that Cheney... err, I mean Bush would have turned the military (or probably, mercenaries from Blackwater) on his own people, and as more of this stuff is revealed, we will learn that he gave himself the power to do it (and many other kingly things). So, keep stockpiling those deer rifles so you can "protect" yourself against mercenaries with body armor and shoulder-launched grenades... sure they cost money, but who needs to put away money in the kids' college funds anyway when there's protectin' to do...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!!!!

I could go on, but... WOW!!


And don't take anything for granted...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Album Photo Locales

Check out the site for this project to map famous album covers... especially if you are saturated (like BEEz) with the pre-election stuff... I could spend a whole day just sorting through the London area.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sarah Palin... Dick

Boy, that title ought to freak out the search engines... Check out the Dickopedia's entry for Sarah Palin...

Also, check out this Newsweek article by Sam Harris about Palin, elitism, and why we shouldn't have hyper-religious people near the presidency. Here is one of my favorite parts of the article in which Harris reimagines Charlie Gibson's interview with Palin to make the point about "elitism": (no, its not the cheez wiz Star Search winner that used to wow idiots with his over the top version of Over the Rainbow

"Governor Palin, are you ready at this moment to perform surgery on this child's brain?"

"Of course, Charlie. I have several boys of my own, and I'm an avid hunter."

"But governor, this is neurosurgery, and you have no training as a surgeon of any kind."
"That's just the point, Charlie. The American people want change in how we make medical decisions in this country. And when faced with a challenge, you cannot blink."

The prospects of a Palin administration are far more frightening, in fact, than those of a Palin Institute for Pediatric Neurosurgery. Ask yourself: how has "elitism" become a bad word in American politics? There is simply no other walk of life in which extraordinary talent and rigorous training are denigrated. We want elite pilots to fly our planes, elite troops to undertake our most critical missions, elite athletes to represent us in competition and elite scientists to devote the most productive years of their lives to curing our diseases. And yet, when it comes time to vest people with even greater responsibilities, we consider it a virtue to shun any and all standards of excellence. When it comes to choosing the people whose thoughts and actions will decide the fates of millions, then we suddenly want someone just like us, someone fit to have a beer with, someone down-to-earth—in fact, almost anyone, provided that he or she doesn't seem too intelligent or well educated.

I have my issues with Sam Harris... certainly not because he is an atheist or a provocateur, but because his approach to atheism, in my view, borders on religion. That said, I agree with him way more than I disagree with him, so more power to him.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Check out the Truth-o-meter

Trying to sort out fact from fiction in these wacky political times? This site seems to take a pretty balanced approach to evaluating the sound bites.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Watch the Real McCain

But I hate to see T. Boone asshole Pickens getting any airtime, considering he spent millions of his own bucks swiftboating Johh Kerry... and reneged on a million dollar offer to anyone who could disprove the swiftboaters' bullshit claims. Now he is suddenly viewed as a wise old environmentalist, but I seriously doubt it...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are you registered to vote?

Don't be so sure... the republicans are using all kinds of dirty tricks to throw voters like you off the voting rolls across the nation. Go to this site to find out if you really are still a registered voter... and if you know you are not registered, pull your head out of your ass and start voting...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Stealing 3 in a row?

The hijinks are starting again... McCain is sending out funky absentee ballots in an attempt to confuse and/or disqualify Democratic voters... meanwhile, the press is still trying to parse a well-heeled expression about porcine cosmetics...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Calm Down Folks...

Yup, everyone I know who is rightfully fearful of a McCain presidency is freaking out over the surprising jolt his campaign got from choosing "hacky mam" Palin. My feeling is that once this initial enthusiasm wears down, and the yahoo Hillary Clinton supporters finally think about how scary this chick really is, this too will pass. Here is a great op-ed by the NYT columnist Gail Collins that largely echoes my feelings on the matter... give it a read (it's not too long)... and calm down (but don't get too comfortable...)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to Democracy in the Heartland of America!

Do listen to this excerpt from the interview that Thom Hartmann did with Amy Goodman and her crew, who were arrested outside the republican convention, despite having press passes. Also, their floor passes to the convention were confiscated without reciepts (a requirement when the police take things from citizens). If you can find the whole interview, it is definitely worth a listen... Then watch films of the arrests.

If only we could make the rest of the world this safe for democracy.

Of course, don’t think this is just a thing that only happens at republican conventions...

Update: link removed (I guess)

Apparently, the "getting even better" link from the last entry was taken down by the Daily Kos. I'd be curious why, though it was pretty farfetched (though my blog hopes it ends up true). Here is a page of other Daily Kos links about the situation you can check out, though and you can read about Palin's rebuttal here. Here is one blog complaining about folks assuming the daughter's pooch was necessarily a baby (that blog looks fun for a general peak as well). As for me, I'm merely trying to stir things up...

I have no problem with a rounded tummy, or even female chubbiness in general (no starving models for BEEz, pleez). Though I'm always a little surprised to see girls/women with said pooch wearing tight tops, and it seems to be totally en vogue these days for pregant chicks to stretch the tightest of dresses and tops over their bellies. No complaints here... perhaps it is a fashion faux pas to many, but as a healthy (i.e. creepy) male type, the more revealing the better... Regardless, I still always find it odd when the abstinence only crowd sports flirty clothing (and even when they are unmarried and pregnant). I guess it gets back to the "hypocrite" theme that runs through my rants about the republicans. I've ran into more than one borderline nympho over the years that claimed to be republican, family-values Christian... and it always confused me (especially when they were usually earning their reputation with my roommate instead of me... sniffle). Maybe Sarah Palin was that way in college, or perhaps she just has (probably "had" would be more accurate) a sense of humor.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Republican Family Values101: Can you see a baby bump?

Yup, if it's not one of the many hypocritical republican politicians parading their 2nd, 3rd, or 5th trophy wife around while pontificating about saving the institution of marriage from the marauding gay people (or the closeted gay republicans doing the same thing), it is the new veep candidate's 17 year old daughter sporting a baby bump...and is the story getting even better? It will be interesting to see how they spin this. Will they make her 17 year old pregnant daughter out to be a hero for not having an abortion? Will their be a celebrity wedding? Will the fans of Britney Spears and her precocious sister jump over to McCain's side. Perhaps millions of teen girls will be inspired to make one of their own!!!

Can you imagine if Barack Obama had a pregnant 17 year old daughter? Racial stereotypes would fly and he would be branded (sorry) a bad father... and they would be relentless about it and it would probably cost him the election. But, ya know, these are good ol' gun-lovin', abortion hatin', WHITE pioneers of the West, so she gets a pass (we'll see). I know Obama will do the proper thing and tell everyone to back off, but I hope his surrogates ply this for all it is worth. Would I want that to happen in a decent world? No. But considering the nasty, unfair crap that Rove's proteges will certainly fling at Obama, and considering what utter hypocrites those vicious bastards definitely are, this one is too good to pass up.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Go Steamy!

Well, I’m hoping that Hillary Clinton’s speech last night and silver-tounged Bill's rousing speech tonight convinced the holdout democrats claiming they will vote McCain over Obama to change their minds. If not, I offer this considered statement to kindly reach out to these folks:


Democrats (or anti-republican, in my case) that would vote for Grampa Munster (I mean McCain, though that is unfair to the really cool guy who actually played said grandpa) over Obama because they are mad about Hillary Clinton losing are certifiably OUT OF THEIR FUCKING MINDS!!! Is that clear enough? First off, let’s take on the Hillary-maniacs' horseshit arguments. I keep hearing that Obama somehow wronged Hillary Clinton during the primaries. Just how so? In fact, I think the opposite was the case. The Clintons started race baiting in ways that even caught me off guard. I know I shouldn't have been surprised that they would pull out all of the stops, but I thought they would draw the line at that. When I look back, I don’t recall the “nasty” things that Obama did, rather, I recall the Clintons repeatedly pulling shit that both pissed me off and lowered the Clintons' stock in my eyes. For their supporters to now be holding out like a bunch of crybabies sickens me, especially when some of them are spreading the “Obama is a Muslim” rumors. Do these yahoos not care about the impact there will be on the supreme court if McCain wins?

I mean, seriously, the democrats could run a steamy turd for president and I would gladly vote for it over McCain or any other Bush II republican... Not to say, in any way, that Obama is not a good candidate. In fact, despite his rush toward the middle with all of the "faith-based" crapola, I'm very comfortable with him being president, and I have a great feeling about how far his election will go in repairing all of the broken bridges around the world that our current President and his crew of thugs have brazenly smashed. That said, if instead of an inspirational and downright impressive candidate like Obama, the democrats had instead nominated "Steamy Turd" as their candidate, here are the bumper stickers I would have gladly put on my car:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Creepy Profs Offs Self...

Well, this story is over, though I hope the gritty details come out... Man, there is no way I'd drop myself over this, but then again, getting caught in the lie can bruise an ego beyond repair. Once again, I reiterate my doubts about the man's mental competency...First off, (as explained in the prior posts) he did something that any sane dude should know will surely get you caught. Then, a guy who is 66 years old and makes over 100K a year (most likely leading to a bundle in retirement) does not just take the slap on the wrist (going to jail for "bribery" seems a stretch) and retire and head to the Bahamas... not sane.

Rumor is that the dude was creepy... Here is another article on that... I'll get back to politics soon enough...

Friday, August 22, 2008

In case you are following...

...this bizzare case from afar, here is the latest. I'm not sure if this development bolsters or contradicts my early senility theory... it seems to undermine the notion of false allegations, but not totally. The rumor is that there is an email trail, which is only a rumor, but that makes me think even more that this dude's grasp on reality had slipped away. Regardless of his guilt or innocence, I hope he didn't kill himself. Granted, if guilty, public shame is warranted, but at 66, he could've just retired and went away from academia. Plus, it would be much more fascinating (as a "news" consumer) if he staged this whole suicide thing and was somewhere in Central America... Wow, between all of the sexual assaults, alleged football player rapists, and not too long ago, a family murder suicide by an embezzling banker, our little berg's reputation has taken quite a hit. Oh well, I need to get back to national politics, but I'm really tired of it all right now. Don't worry though, now that McCain has hired the same thugs that fucked him over in the 2000 primary, I'm sure I'll be very mad soon enough...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We made The Onion!

If you haven't heard about the Iowa scandal involving a professor who is accused of exchanging good grades for boob flashes and grabs, you can catch up on it here.

I sure hope the guy is guilty, because everyone has pretty much assumed that he is. Am I shocked to hear about sexual impropieties between a prof and students? No. That said, would I be shocked if a student or group of students leveled a false accusation rather than take a final they knew they wouldn't pass? No, particularly considering the its-cool-to-be-a-'ho attitude that pervades so many of the "reality" shows on the teen-oriented TV channels. I'm constantly amazed how easy it has become to get a girl to lift her shirt for a TV camera... not that I'm shielding my eyes. Of course, as an emerging old fart, I'm continually amazed how readily an 18 year old is willing to commit to multiple tattoos...

All things point to this guy being a creep, and if that ends up being true, then have at him, but the notion of innocent until proven guilty is long gone. I've noticed lots of comments (in the chat areas below news articles) implying that this has probably been going on for years and he just now got caught. Maybe that's true, but the math doesn't add up for me. Just how many times could a prof ask girls to flash him without being reported, and reported repeatedly? I was a TA once, and the odds (even back then as a young, strapping dude) that I could have correctly picked the 1 out of 100 girls (hopefully, the odds are slimmer than that) willing to swap sexual favors for grades are woefully bad, and, the consequences of getting caught up in such a scandal make it an even more unlikely scenario for a sane person to try even once, let alone, repeatedly (and only now get caught). This isn't a case of a prof developing a relationship with a student, which I now is common. Rather, this as a seed, overt act that I think would send most young women straight to their parents and then straight to the ombudsperson's (easy for me to say) office.

That brings me to another theory... if it is true that this prof is the creep he is accused of being, perhaps his mental faculties (no pun intended) are not up to snuff. I'm sure many a prof have fantasized about a nubile coed offering herself up for a grade, but societal shame, some personal morals, and perhaps most of all, a fear of getting caught, have all conspired to keep them on the up and up over the years. Then, early dimentia sets in (the guy is 66) and smart decisions give way to a distorted notion that it could all work. Maybe he gets "lucky" a few times and that reinforces a distorted view of reality. I can't imagine, in today's litigious climate, that the process could possibly go on for long. Either way, I want to know more about the case before I make a judgement.

I realize that guilt or innocence in a court does not always reflect actual guilt or innocence, but then again, guilt by accusation has an even spottier history. Consider all of the men that have been exonerated based on DNA evidence (and not surprisingly, the accuser is almost always white and the the accused is black). Consider the case of silent film star Fatty Arbuckle. The list goes on. And so does the list of rape and harrassment victims that will never see justice. Regardless, truth should remain be a desired outcome.

Oh well... at least we made The Onion!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Oh My God!

After my friend Rob alerted me to the Edward G. Robinsonesque jowls that have developed on the once hot Kathleen Turner, I went looking for a photo and found this cruel, yet fun, site (be sure to page back and forward) called Hit da Wall. This photo took the cake, but there are many more contenders... (have you seen Mickey Rourke lately??)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grandpa Munster is a hypocritical sack of....

Don't get me wrong, I have no (or at least few) illusions that Obama is the second coming (not that I believe in that biblical horseshit) or that he is not already bought by the corporations, but how can anybody want McCain to be the president over Obama? After 8 years of embarrassment at the international table, we can finally have a guy sit down that is charismatic and intellectually impressive and yet the polls are still somewhat close? I'm mean, come on... I have many a beef with Clinton(s) but I never...EVER... doubted the guy's ability as a politician. McCain is no idiot (like Bush most likely is??), but he has no power to impress other world leaders, nor does he excite much of anyone in his own country. Plus, no matter how much Obama will tack toward the right (which, I hate to say, is necessary in this single-issue voting freakin' country) he will be a smarter choice than McCain for anyone having progressive (see "liberal") leanings. I have a smart friend considering voting for Nader, and he lives in a swing state. All I have to say is... think about those who, when Bush and Gore tacked to the middle, said "Gee, they are pretty much the same guy, so I'll vote for Nader..." Well, would we have been in Iraq if 911 happened on Gore's watch? I'm comfortable saying NO! If you are in a swing state, carefully consider that vote against the two party system, as you may well enjoy a stacked supreme court and way more faith-based shit than Barack ever (schemingly) pandered to...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tyson Homosexual Easily Qualifies

Yup, Tyson Homosexual not only qualified, but Homosexual ran the fastest time ever recorded... Exciting sports news from the AP made even more fascinating when it is filtered through the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow autoreplace function. Yes, Tyson Gay instantly become Tyson Homosexual.

Talk about saving the world. I hear these yahoos also replace the word "democratic" with "democrat." Pretty clever!! Every time I hear an asshole republican refer to the "democrat party," I want to kick in his teeth (at least then he'd have an excuse for screwing up a name)... Check out this google search for a little more history of their fine filtering of stories about Mr. Gay.

These guys also have a history of blocking/redirecting net traffic they don't like. Good thing they are looking out for my evil ass!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Smoked Tuna in the Can...

This article (if you have any trouble getting to page 2, go on to page 3 and you won’t miss anything…), referred to me by Rich, is a pretty entertaining read and it exemplifies how the war on drugs helped shift drug smuggling from pot to cocaine, which lead the formation of the violent drug cartels of the 80s and 90s… way to go drug warriors!

I’ve been off the blog lately. I did make it through the floods relatively unscathed, though many things I like got hit hard. A simple search of the web and you can as many photos as you want, but in case you haven’t kept up with it, here are some youtube videos that show what a mess it all was/is…http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2008-06-19/news/smoked-tuna-in-the-can/1 (if you have any trouble getting to page 2, go on to page 3 and you won’t miss anything…)

Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm no fan of Chris Matthews, but...

he really did take this ditto head moron to task... if only the "liberal media" called these loudmouths out on their horseshit talking points more often...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I hate hyphenated names...except these

Yup, I saw a kid in the paper with the last name "Lipscomb-Hagarovich" and wondered to myself "His parents must be dipshits." (Apologies to any Ho Hummers with these silly concoctions...HAH! just kidding, no apologies here). That said, I think all of these couples should go for it with my blessing, including these wonderful pairs:


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Born again abusers!

Yup, I have to agree with nobel lareaute chemist Harold Groto that teaching bullshit pseudoscience like creationism and intelligent design side by side with real science is a form of child abuse. Read all about it here... Plus we all know that the real facts are always being manipulated by his noodly appendage, so why settle for the Christian crap?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cosmic Book Review...

Yes, someone actually wrote a book claiming that the Bush presidency saved the economy. Here is an insightful review (thanks to Kirby) that ended up on Amazon:

138 of 153 people found the following review helpful:
Through the Looking Glass, October 24, 2003
By Alice

Finally! A book that proves the existence of an alternate universe.
Obviously, a rip in the space/time continuum between this universe and the other
universe where Bush is presiding over a 'boom economy opened up and this book
fell through. Can there be ANY other explanation?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Go Dick Go!

Hmmm... is that a naked chick reflected in Dick's sunglasses? Or is it an alien? (I somehow believe the latter more...and it would explain a lot)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Ultimate Peepshow

Happy Easter (if you do that sort of thing...)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stop the virus

Yes, it has started. The great Republican/corporate smear machine is planting the seeds of doubt now that they are pretty sure they will be in battle with Barak Obama. And since they have nothing to offer as a positive force for betterment, where do they go? Of course, where scoundrels of this nature always seek refuge, patriotism. Not wearing a flag pin on his lapel? How weak, yet sadly, it will work on many... let's hope not too many. You can see many more youtube films of a related nature here

Monday, March 10, 2008

Someone please explain today's spam

>>interrupted him; not even the mother, grown old in the past month, had
>>honestly, Dick. In all I have said so far, there has been no innuendo;
>>Morrissy, who suddenly saw visions of bars and stripes, made a quick,
>heads reverently upon the rail in prayer. Presently the music ceased,
>had some slight business transactions with Mr. McQuade, and he came up
>entered into their lives that gave to all trivial things a ponderous
Donnelly spoke in the German district, Warrington spoke to the
approached Ben, who had waited for him. No one was within earshot.
about his character, his honor, his worth? Nobody. To hold one's
That was the first spam email I received at work today... and I've received stranger ones. So, could someone shine light on the business model here??? Hmmm... though I've already passed on hundreds of opportunities to buy elicit boner pills, this quirky narrative has convinced me that boxsuit.com is the one for me. Is that what they're thinking?? The next message had the subject line its one of a few signs and this was the only thing in the body of the email... no pix, no links, just:
Is this string of words so mysterious that I can't help from tracking down its meaning, then, in celebration, ordering a box of veterinary-grade Propecia? Well, since it was sent to me from Klaus Bathurst, I guess it is...
My favorite spams are the ones with subject lines that taunt me, like You know HAve a big' n butcan or cant pLeas ure her wIth slinkydnky. Now, you tell me, is that any way to start a business relationship? Is this how car salesman get dudes to buy sports cars... Gee, Mr. Smallone, if you buy this tiny car with a spoiler on the back, who knows what might happen to that problem you've been having with woodwork lately (do weigh in Troy).
Plus, who says I can't provide pleasure with my slinkydnky? If only it were a big'n...

Monday, February 25, 2008

us media = a big steamy pile of SHlT!

Are we ever going to have the pleasure of seeing this happen... probably not. That title heading is lifted right off the message board following a troubling story over at thinkprogress.org. If you didn't watch 60 Minutes this weekend, there was a scary story about how Rove conspired with politically-motivated federal prosecutors to ruin the political career of a popular Democratic governer. You should watch the video and read about how a local CBS Alabama affiliate appears to have intentionally blacked out the story. Please check it out here, and if you want a bit larger version of the video segment, here is the 60 Minutes link. In fact the whole episode was worth watching, so I guess at least some of our media ain't shit...
Hial ROVE!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

That good ol' cowboy... sniff, sniff

Anyone else noticing the fuzzy good feelings everyone seems to be having about Ronald Reagan? I guess this comes from a fuzzy memory. Even Barack Obama joined the love fest, but he should know better than to pander to swing voters this way. Here is a great article summing up why.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Your dirty mouth...

I'm sort of working on a new post or two, but in the mean time, here is a message from Orbit:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Iowa Caucuses and… Will the rest of the country have a crush on Barack?

Well, I have a crush on the babe that has a crush on Barack...
I know that all the political spotlights in the U.S. (and many abroad) are shining on New Hampshire right now, but I thought I would take a moment to revive Ho Hum and to reflect on my night in the spotlight. As an Iowan, I (we) were the center of attention for many a month. People I know from other states were constantly harrumphing about how stupid it is that a lame-ass state like Iowa gets its ass so thoroughly kissed by the candidates and the media, but they also don’t know what it’s like to get 10 phone calls and 30 pieces of mail a day for a couple of months. Granted, I did get an opportunity to see all the candidates, but only ended up seeing two of them (Edwards and Obama) in person, but if I had wanted to, or had time to, I could have went to the public library on many a day and chatted with Biden, Dodd, Richardson, or Kucinich. I also went to an Edwards rally that was opened by Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne. I’ve never been a big fan of either, but seeing them for free in a high school auditorium rocked (especially when Iris DeMent and local/national folks Greg Brown (now DeMent’s husband), Bo Ramsey, and Pieta Brown all joined them on stage for some 6 part harmony). That said, I got polled aplenty, and we all know how painful that can be.

I’ve heard some strong arguments against Iowa and New Hampshire always being first, and the best of those is the lack of diversity in both states, but then again, Obama kicked ass in Iowa, and probably is going to tonight in New Hampshire. One suggestion is rotating this position to other states, but I’m only for this if those states are not highly populated. Sound illogical to have the small states setting the tone for the rest of the country? Consider this, if all states had primaries/caucuses on the same day, no politician would bother with any state other than the big 15 in population. Also, instead of haunting libraries and having town hall meetings in which real conversation occurs, they would focus on sound bites and, due to the logistics of a larger state, campaign mainly from a distance through TV ads and automated phone calls (not that we didn’t get plenty of both). In short, while it sounds stupid to start framing the process in small, insignificant states, I think it ends up bettering the process.

As for caucusing (heh heh), it is an interesting process. The rest of the country mocks it, but I like it (overall). When I explained the process to my brother, he chimed in with a “that’s fucking stupid,” (being a man of literature and all). But I've done it twice and always end up having interesting conversations with people I didn't previously know. Somehow, an active, face-to-face process, with negotiation, seems more legit than the faceless voting (at least at this step). I went for Edwards, but was considering Obama. In our precinct, 765 people showed up (I'm sure a record) and more than half went for Obama. I felt pretty good about that. Of the remaining, Edwards got about 30 more than Hillary. None of the other candidates were viable (to see an in depth breakdown of the caucusing process, go here… once you’ve done it, it no longer seems so idiotic or strange). The thing I felt best about was that she was third (more about that later). That said, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat over any of those creepy republican candidates (what a bunch of thugs and/or bible thumpers...fancy that), which brings me to my current candidate analysis and why I voted for Edwards.

Of the viable candidates, two stood out to me, Edwards and Obama. I caucused for Edwards last time, and after hearing his fiery anti-corporate speeches this time, I related best to his rhetoric. Although I hate poles (no, not polish people, unless one is an asshole), all poles showed that Edwards would win handily against any of the republican candidates. I like Obama (how could I not?), but I was (am) nervous about the race angle and the name angle. I’m not nervous about democrats jumping ship over secret racism, I’m worried about swing voters (largely, idiots). Will swing voters, in the privacy of a voting booth, end up voting for a black man? I hope so, but back in my home town, I’m not so sure. Also, Barack Hussein Obama. I know it shouldn’t matter, but if his name was Jim Smith instead of Barack Obama, he would probably be on cruise control into the presidency. But having the middle name Hussein is really untimely.

Once again, it should not matter, but the republicans are all over it. There is already viral email claiming that he is part of a secret Muslim conspiracy to take over the U.S., and they cite as “evidence” the “fact” that when sworn into the senate he refused to swear on the bible and instead insisted on using the Quran. Of course, this isn’t true, in fact, it is (intentionally, I’m sure) confounded with another false story about our first openly Muslim (has their been any closet Muslims in office before?) congressman, Keith Ellison. Glen Beck (major terdsicle—or is that turdsicle? do weigh in—and complete blathering idiot) tried to make a big deal about Ellison being sworn in on the Quran instead of the bible (big fucking deal if he had), but actually, no members of congress are sworn in on the bible (thankfully). Though easily discounted as B.S., these confusions have worked for the republicans in the past, and the will again. I’m sure that many a swing voter’s head will swirl with all of the misinformation and plenty of acquired and inherent racism on voting day. When you go to an Obama rally, though, it is like going to a rock concert. The guy has charisma and charm by the bucketfuls, and that may (should) be enough to overcome the above issues. Obama seems to have dipped into the corporate well (including the pharmaceutical money), but I do think having a black president, with a multicultural, worldly background would be a huge step for this country. Also, while his name may be a liability (for getting elected) here, but in the rest of the world, it would be a real ice breaker.

Let me get back on track… why did I go for Edwards? Okay, there was the “he has the best chance of winning” thing, the liking of his anti-corporate rants, and my fears about Obama’s electability. Also, I thought Edwards populist message was being couched by the corporate media as “too angry.” Fuck that, he can’t be angry enough to appeal to me. Granted, I like Obama’s talk about working together and such, but I’m very pissed off about what’s been done to this country over the last 7 years by these evil thugs and I want action… I must say, though, it felt good when I saw chalky-white Iowa stand up strong for Obama and was not the least bit sad that my guy lost.

So who have I left out??? Oh, Hillary. I hate what the republican machine did to her during the Clinton presidency. They have fomented a level of hatred towards her that no one (except the operators of this machine) deserves. It continues today. I think the republicans really want her to win the nomination because they know they can beat her. It is hard to believe that any of the lame republican candidates could beat a democrat, but then again, look who’s in the Whitehouse. Before Obama’s surprising strong finish in Iowa, the media had pretty much appointed her the candidate. I think this is because she is the most knees-deep (neck-deep) in the corporate well and because they know they can beat her. They have created a scenario where, while a savvy and powerful figure, people have been taught to dislike her. Does she have the charisma of Obama, or even Edwards? No. But she is more appealing than given credit for, and she is a very capable person. But, there is a baseline dislike for her and that would allow Skeletor (Giuliani), or (gosh forbid) a square-jawed, fascist Mormon can gain traction and win the presidency. I’ll stop now and get back later (to those few of the Ho Hummers out there that stand more of it) after the New Hampshire result. My prediction? The beginning of the end of Hillary, and hello Barack.