Here it starts again. The current administration, or at least the Christian right that got them elected, would love to chip away at the separation of church and state, but it is tough to do when people are watching. I'm sure many of them blamed Katrina and Rita on gays, on abortion, and on godless folks like myself (yes, I lack god... please pray for my sorry ass), but now they smell opportunity. First off, Bush wants to provide vouchers for displaced students displaced by the hurricane so that they can attend private and/or religious schools. Do they need vouchers? Not to attend public schools, but this is a cheesy/sleazy attempt to put the foot in the door on this issue in the post-catastrophe fog.
Also, the Republican thugs in the House hijacked a good bill on Head Start programs with a sneaky amendment that essentially allows government funded religious discrimination. This story sucks, but it did point me to a really good organization called The Interfaith Alliance and a smart minister in that organization, Rev. C. Welton Gaddy. I heard hime interviewed by Al Franken and it was such a pleasure (for a change) to hear from a religious leader that respects (reveres) the separation of church and state. So often, religion is represented by hate-mongering theocrats that fear democracy and science. Non-religious folks like myself can easily become beleaguered and lose sight of the fact that most Christians are not assholes. This shouldn't happen since all of my more religious friends have the big picture in mind and are good folks, but the onslaught of crapola that we've had to endure ever since the Christian Right got an upper hand is wearing my open mind to a slit...
Also, don't think that these are the only two sneak attacks on America that will occur during the flurry of legislation that will be be hurriedly hashed out over the next several months. Please scratch the surface deeper and let me know what you find...
Oh well, on the bright side, you all know, and I'm sure, feel good that ultrascum Tom Delay is finally getting at least some of his due... Not that the shifty powerbrokers in Congress didn't try to change the rules and save Delay's position by smearing the D.A. investigating him (big surprise), but reporters were actually watching this time. I could wax on about that evil, corrupt bag of shit for pages and pages, but it'd be preaching to the choir, so I'll just say Amen!