Wednesday, August 31, 2005

His Noodly Appendage makes the NYT

Looks like Pastafarianism is getting more attention.....

Friday, August 26, 2005

Bush is many assholes...

Before I send you on an audio tour, you can download a mosaic of our leader (ahem) made entirely of assholes. I prefer the 30x40 ah version, as the hi-res 90x120 ah version stinks (heh heh). If that ain't enough, you can get the Rush Limbaugh pain pill montage in similar resolutions.

I'll warn you know that if you download the Bush montages, you'll be stared at by many an eye, and none will be blue...

Ok, now for my rant and my audio/video tour... ah, the right wing machine...

These guys are so blatant with their lies, yet they are so effective, so on message. The worst part is that right after they step over the line and even piss off some of their own faithful, they lie again and deny what they said... As Al Franken says
Rush drops a big turd on the ground, then when people start noticing "Hey, there's a steamy turd on the ground," he kicks up a bunch of dust around it...

Example, listen to this from Rush, then listen to this from Rush. Gee, perhaps those heavy days with the pain killers eroded his memory... Since I've primed you up for some hate talk, give this a spin to learn how Cindy Sheehan is "figuratively urinating on her son's grave." Now, while I don't agree with this pud, I understand what he is saying, but consider if someone on a news show from the left (where are those shows?) said something with this much venom... it would be turned into the ultimate outrage. Of course, the script is in place, just listen to this puppet, and I love the way he gets disarmed when they point out that he did NOT lose a kid in this war.
While I don't think Cindy Sheehan's plight matches the plight of many Mom's whose kids were essentially drafted into this war for economic reasons, or National Guard folk that thought they'd be helping out after the next hurricane (her son was a professional soldier... a marine), I do hope that her protest helps shine a light on this corrupt administration and their inept leadership. You can read even more about Sheehan from the attack machine here and here.

No coordinated attack machine from the right would be complete with out a mean stupid blond, they must build these somewhere because their seems to be a new one out every month... Just to finish the Absurdity Tour, here is Pat Robertson's turd, and here is the dust... good thing the "news folk" at CBN were there to sort things out. Is this the most embarrassing time to be an American? I hope so, as I would hate to see it get worse. Okay, one last thing, check out this parody that may be on to something.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Newest on the religion front...

If you haven't learned about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the related plight with the Kansas School Board, waste no time (I first heard about it from Matt). Here is the newest image of the FSM. This guy drew it up with the intent of having someone convert it to a chrome decal for cars so it can rival the much too common chrome Jesus fish (and the sadly, the more rare Darwin fish with feet). Of course, the positive side of the Jesus fish is that you know you should drive carefully when you see it because an idiot is in front of you. By the way, when in Kansas, don't forget to visit the science museum...

Monday, August 1, 2005

The 885 greatest albums

You can vote for the 885 greatest albums of all time here. This is being done by a really cool public radio station out of the University of Pennsylvania, WXPN, that is almost all music, and not classical like most of the all music public stations, but mostly progressive rock (and you can listen online). The World Cafe is a product of this station. They've already done a 885 greatest songs and you can check out the list here. Springsteen at the top? I don't know, but it was by committee... (not that I don't like The Boss) I'm going to cheat a little and try to prop up some of my favorites (like Love and The Kinks) that are less likely to pull the numbers of Pet Sounds and Sgt. Peppers. I'm still cogitating, but I'll share my list after I submit it...