Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rant at Randy's Blog

Go to Randy's blog and read my rant on youth culture. Dern them whippersnappers! Also, go to his mainpage and see the lawn orniment Randy caught on film (or on CCD, for the tech savvy out there)...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Not for the weak...

Okay, enough of politics. I want to talk about a conspiracy. For the last few weeks, every time I go into a public restroom and have to go into a stall (which is rare, as I don’t relish this, but sometimes the urinals are all full) some freak has left a floater in the toilet. Is this someone’s idea of a joke? HA HA! Thanks for making me gag more than a cat with a hairball. Okay, stop reading if you’re squeamish, but I have to relate the most frightening chapter in the tale of horror. I go into the Old Capitol Mall to take a quick leak. Both urinals are taped over with an “Out of Order” sign. I open the door on the one stall and as I look down, I feel a rush of air leave my body as I involuntarily shriek “OH MY GOD! In the toilet, or mostly in, is a turd the size of my forearm. And for effect, there is blood on the tip. You think your being punished hearing this? Think of having this image of horror forever burned in your visual memory. What if I had walked in a little earlier? Would I have heard screams of pain? Would I have seen two sets of feet in there and heard “breathe, your doing good, I think it’s coming”? At least in this case, I understood why the toilet wasn’t flushed. Anyway, if you’re part of the Secret Floater Society, please find a new victim and for Christ’s sake, flush. And if you’re afraid to flush, consider cutting back on your cheese intake…

Random Rants

I’ve always thought that the common notion that PBS (and NPR, for that matter) is a big lefty organization is total crap. Just turn on PBS on the weekends and watch all of the Wall Street Journal arseholes babbling away, or check out the right/left balance on The McLaughlin group (one poor semi-liberal in the bunch on a good day). Of course, Now (formerly with Bill Moyers) has a liberal slant, but then again, it is one show. And pretty much the only show that I can think of on TV that really addresses crucial issues from a liberal perspective. Of course, those cooking shows are all full of pinkos, but not to get distracted… Soon, this may change. It looks like the powers that be are trying to “Foxify” PBS. Check out this article about the new leadership at PBS. But have no fear, until PBS is right-justified, our troops in Iraq will only get Rush Limbaugh. Perhaps Tom Harkin’s efforts will change this, but I doubt it. Oh, and here is an entertaining Rush-oriented blog.

Do you want to protest our blood-for-oil attitude in Middle East? Buy gas at Citgo. Of course, be sure to fill up your SUV there so that you’re not messing around. Oh, and if you drive an SUV and you don’t live on a country road or in the mountains, you may want to go to this site… it is much cheaper. And, please don’t park next to me. It seems that two of you bastards inevitably park on either side of me. Then I get to blindly back out of my space at 0.2 mph to avoid some other speeding SUV driving a-hole smashing into my car…

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Where you at, beeatch!?

I heard on NPR that Dave Chappelle is in a mental hospital in South Africa. Here's the story... Did a little of that Rick James crazy rub off?? NPR said no one knows what is really up, but the reporter said he thinks he is really sick. I hope he is okay, as he is one of the few really funny dudes out there.