Monday, January 24, 2005

Music so bad it's funny

No, I'm not talking about the latest gem from JLo ('cause that ain't funny). When I found Incorrect Music Siftings, I had to hear the whole catalog. Enjoy! (or just laugh)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Lighten the f%*k up...

$10,000 for pretending to moon the rival crowd at Green Bay? First off, I've never liked Randy Moss, but this is a bunch of crap. I saw the "offending" moment and it was one of the few post-TD celebrations from him (and players like him, such as T. Owens) that actually cracked me up (no pun intended). For 10 grand, he should be able to go back out there and really show his ass. I've heard a number of these ex-player commentators go on and on about how bad this act was. What a bunch of self-righteous a-holes. As if Terry Bradshaw (the neanderthal himself) could possibly be offended by a simulated mooning. Geesh! If you don't know the backside of this story (ok, that pun was intended), read this guys take (even if he has trouble with spelling... and this guy and me are also on the same page.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I have to admit I'm getting better

Say Ahhhhhhhhhhh. No that's not me, but I am recovering from a bear of a sore throat and when I shined a flashlight in my mouth and looked in the mirror (I do this often), it looked alot like this. The only difference being my uvula, which also had swirls of white on it. I have, though, enjoyed the initial reactions I got when I told people that I had an engorged uvula... I'm now on my second antibiotic and either it is working or I'm starting to get better anyway. Needless to say, this infection has really curtailed my normal means of self destruction, so I haven't been out at all. I've also been fairly inactive on line, so I have little to offer the blogosphere. I will steal one link from Matt and suggest that any of you fellow heathens out there should enjoy this interesting site for the Landover Baptist Church. Matt pointed to their explanation for the tsunami... They have a great store too, check out this button:

and of course, I had to have this thong:

Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Happy New Year?

Abbey back in the loop as soon as I get over coming back to work... In the mean time, enjoy this site that plays with time.

Also, if you want to donate to help victims of the tsunami, I did some research and chose Direct Relief International. I used a few sites that rate charities using important criteria (e.g., administrative cost and even whether they sell your name).